Wednesday, February 23, 2011

10 Months Old Today!

Joshua is 10 months old today! It is hard  to believe he will be a year old in just a couple months.

I am wondering how he has changed since the last photo we were given, which is either 2 or 3 months old (the agency didn't have this information or wouldn't go out of their way to get it). I am wondering what new milestones he has reached. And I am just feeling sad today that I am missing them. It is hard to miss so much of his life.

I hope and pray we get another update soon. I have heard of other families getting lots of pictures and even video. While I am happy for those who have received them, it just makes me even more sad that we haven't. One of my most frequent prayers is for us to receive a photo album of pictures of Joshua's life with his foster family in Korea when we travel to Korea. I know they will be so important for him to have. I have heard about 50% of families receive these pictures. Please Lord let us be among them.

In other news, we got all of our paperwork for our home study update turned in last week! We meet with our social worker on Monday for our update interview. That should be it; all in all the update process has been relatively painless. But I would appreciate your prayers for Monday, because you all know I am a worrier :-)


And so it goes said...

Saying some prayers for you for Monday. Oh, there are so many ways we are called to just trust in this journey.

Thanks for the comment over on my blog. It means so much to not be on this journey alone.

Amy said...

Prayers up! Thinking of you today!

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

These are important prayers Becky. Praying that the Lord gives you some extra little gifts in this journey.

Christy said...

Big hugs, Becky! Saying prayers for peace. I can only begin to imagine how hard it is to miss seeing them grow.

Grace said...

these milestones were so hard to miss...prayers and hugs coming your way today.
and monday will be great! just think how awesome it is that john is with you and you can do it together :)

Amy said...

I will be praying for you on Monday, that everything goes perfect! I am also praying that you are among the 50% who get to have a photo album of your son's first months of life with his foster family! I know I am hopeful to receive one as well! Happy 10- month birthday little Joshua!!

Deni said...

Definitely praying for you and for some good updates!!! I'm sorry you're missing this time with him and I'm still praying for him to come home as soon as possible!

Anonymous said...

Hey, wanted to say hello, as I had disappeared from blogging for a while. It must be so hard to wait for your son! Thinking of you.

Waiting4Him said...

Becky I was actually thinking about Joshua's big Birthday this morning. I cannot believe it is almost April. I know this was hard for me as well. But I also thought 15 months is still so young and you will have so much to share and experience anew and fresh together. You will get to be his Mommy for the rest of his life and slowly your time apart will dim. Praying for you!