At 12 months old, he weighs 22.2 pounds and is 30.3 inches tall. This is a slightly different height and weight than what was stated when we received the updated pictures, so not sure which one was correct. He has 4 upper and 4 lower teeth.
RiYoon has 240 cc (about 8oz) of formula three to four times a day. He eats cooked rice, soft bread, fruits, yogurt, and cheese
Toilet is good, 2-3 times a day. :-) Good to know.
He likes taking a bath and has a bath 1-2 times per day.
He takes 2 naps a day and sleeps from 10 or 11 pm to 8 am.
Development (this is given in the form of a checklist - these are the items that were checked):
- Walks without support or walks alone 1 to 2 steps
- Says "No" meaningfully :-)
- Says "umma" or "mamma" (meaning food) meaningfully
- Uses single-word sentences
- Shows understanding of words
- Gives toy to familiar adult spontaneously
- Displays frequent tantrum behaviors
- Imitates adult behavior
- Plays ball cooperatively
- Turns pages of a book
- Puts 3 or more objects into a container
- Brings spoon to mouth
- Holds and drinks from a cup without spilling
In the remarks section, it says that RiYoon is doing well under the loving care of his foster family and that he is a "sweet and adorable boy." At his Doljabi (1st birthday party event), he chose the pencil. Looks like we will have a little scholar on our hands! It also says he likes to listen to music and he likes the book we sent.
And some of the best news, his foster family took special pictures at his Dol, which are being sent by DHL!
Yesterday, I also mailed off care package #4 which he will get at his next well baby check, most likely in August.
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