That was the report from my doctor today. One of the nurses called while we were on our way home from Mobile and said I was ready for retrieval. I was so surprised I forgot to ask her what my estrogen level was. Oh well, I guess it's high enough. The nurse saw about 7 mature follicles on the US today. However, she thought my doctor would push me one more day to let a few more of them mature, but apparently he thinks I'm ready. Retrieval is scheduled for 7:30am Tuesday. They want us in Mobile by 6:00am. So J and I are going to head over tomorrow evening and get a hotel. Otherwise we'd be waking up at 2:45am. I think I will be much more relaxed if we are already in Mobile Tuesday morning. I have to take one more shot tonight at 9:00pm to trigger ovulation and then I'm done with shots until the night of the retrieval when I will start intramuscular progesterone in oil. Everyone says this is by far the worst of all the shots.
I am definitely nervous (but also excited) about retrieval. I have never had surgery or been under anesthesia. I think it is the control freak in me that dislikes the idea of being under anesthesia. However, I have been learning to be less of a control freak through all of this. You just can't be, too much is not in your control. I'm thinking that there is a surefire way to "cure" a control freak - put them through IVF. Please pray that I not be anxious or fearful about the retrieval and that I be reminded continually of God's presence with me. I will post more prayer requests tomorrow.
Hey Becky! Just want you to know you're in my prayers. Hope everything goes well!
Thank you so much for your prayers. You have been in my prayers also, I have been reading your blog for a little while now. I have been greatly encouraged by your words.
I love that statement about controlling a control freak! How true that is. EVERYthing is out of your hands.
The progesterone is daunting. We found some ways to make it a bit better ... I'll tell JB to tell your John his tips!
I can't believe I am just seeing this post now. I checked earlier today and there was no update. I think my computer held your old update in memory or something! Argh!
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