Thank you Grandma (my mom)! This is helping me practice my walking. And of course I love pushing all the buttons. :-)
Thank you Grandpa C (John's dad)! Apparently, John had a coonskin hat as a child, so Joshua needed to have one too. Here he's saying, "I just woke up from a nap, why in the world are you guys putting this hat on me!?"
One of his favorite activities - playing/torturing Annie!
Bedtime story with daddy. John hasn't been getting home until after 6 in the evening due to a base "exercise" - thanks U.S. Air Force - so he has only been able to see Joshua for a few moments before bedtime. Thank you Uncle Robert and Aunt Tina for the Little Spider book - we read it everyday!
One of his favorite things lately - pointing to himself every time we say JoonSeo Joshua
The next morning - another favorite, looking at pictures of himself!
Trying out mommy's sunglasses
Loving my little boy so much!
He is beyond cute.
Your little boy is just adorable! Look at those cheeks!
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